Retouchup Blog

RetouchUp’s Simple Pricing


The RetouchUp® pricing model is easy to understand, and communicate.  For us and our clients, the ability to easily understand pricing is KEY.  It’s WHY we have the pricing categories that we do – because they divide the complex retouch needs of our clientele, and divide them into three easy to understand categories:

Complete (Standard facial retouch).  This is the stuff you see every day.  The blemishes, stray hairs, facial shine, softening bags under the eyes, and whitening teeth and eyes (this upon request.)  This is easy to understand.  Standard facial retouching.  We call it “Complete”.  It’s a complete standard facial retouch.

Complete Plus.  This includes the Complete(standard facial retouch)… PLUS certain specific additional items such as Eyeglass Glare, Head Swaps, Brace Removal, Extending a canvas background to fit more people.  The items covered by Complete Plus are specific, and listed.

Special Services.  This category covers everything not already specifically covered by the Complete and Complete Plus categories.  Adding or removing buildings and people, thinning someone out, removing cars or other objects.  This is the catch-all.

This system works. Our clients appreciate our pricing system, and consistently list it as among our most appreciated strengths.

You can’t know how long an image will take us – so we don’t charge based on difficulty.  You can’t know off-hand whether removing these powerlines or removing that acne will take more time – so we don’t compare between categories.

Instead, you can know that certainty that Complete covers standard facial retouching, that Complete Plus covers braces, eyeglass glare, head swaps, extending backgrounds, and that Special Services covers everything else.  You can learn it, know it, and count on it, just like we do!