As photographers, you know how long it takes to create a great composite image. At RetouchUp, we’re here to help you. Our editing team can take this complex task off your plate.
As photographers, you know how long it takes to create a great composite image. At RetouchUp, we’re here to help you. Our editing team can take this complex task off your plate.
What a fun time it was to sit down and pick the brain of Booray Perry! In this week’s interview, Booray gives great tips and insights into how he’s navigated the waters of the pandemic during this last year, and shares some of the tools that make his daily life so much easier and more efficient. The full audio of our interview and the transcript are below.
We had an amazing time getting to sit down and ask Kirstie Jones about how she runs and operates her business! She shares insights to some of the resources she uses, as well as what it’s like to be a busy equestrian photographer. The full audio of our interview and the transcript are below.
Here Comes The Sun : Retouch Level, Special Service
Without light, photography as we know it would not be possible. Controlled light is what allows us to create beautifully executed studio or outdoor portraits and wedding images that enhance the bridal gown with great detail and precision. Uncontrolled light can create a real disaster such as extreme over exposure, unintended lens flare, hard shadows and light spots.
While most of the time we can control these lighting issues, there are times that the sun will suddenly appear in the middle of a session. There’s no need to stress over that scenario as we can quickly improve or repair most problems caused by glare, flare, sun spots or shadows.
By: Gary Poole
We are well into summer vacations now and before long school will be back in session. Right now is a great time to begin planning for the upcoming school year. Why not strive to make the 2015-2016 school year your best year ever.
Efficiency starts with a good plan. By sending your senior retouching to you will find more hours in the day to make those calls, photograph more sessions or just catch your breath after a long day out in the field or in the studio. The smoother and more efficient the work flows the sooner you can show proofs or make delivery. One photographer said they had been able to get their delivery down from 3-4 weeks to one week on average after switching to for their senior retouching. Now that is a significant improvement.
By: Gary Poole
Photographers have tried to find ways to remedy glasses glare for as long as there have been photographs of people wearing glasses. Before Photoshop was available, all glasses glare had to be painstakingly removed on each photograph one by one using pencils and dyes. The images rarely matched so photographers went to great lengths to avoid getting glare. This included removing the lenses from the frames (not very natural looking), looking away from the camera, tilting the glasses down, or just taking the glasses off altogether.
By Gary Poole
The wedding day has finally arrived. You are prepared. You brought extra memory cards, extra cameras, duplicate flashes even bottled water to keep you cool. You are confident that you have the shot list almost memorized so you are all set.
There will be inevitable additions, deletions and changes to those pictures the families have requested. Often confusion and misunderstanding can occur in the hectic activity of the wedding day.
Such was the case for Sally Watts, Charleston, S.C. based wedding photographer. I would like to thank her for allowing us to share her story.
By Gary Poole
Kelly O’Keefe has graciously allowed us to show you a recent image she had us to create for her. This is a Special Services level retouch at only $10.00. The client had seen an image that really impressed her and came to Kelly to see if it could be duplicated. The client needed a portfolio image and wanted to be on a horse with a snow scene in the background while holding a hawk. By combining the original image of the model on the horse and images of a snow scene and a hawk we created this stunning portfolio image for this model.
By Gary Poole Color Division manager
If you have never used our color correction division let me give you some reasons to consider using this convenient and time saving service.
Nearly every image we take, even in the best lighting conditions, can be improved through some kind of post capture color editing. Our reputation is on the line with every session we deliver so the images we show should be of pleasing natural color and exposure.
Excellence in color rendition will set us apart from the casual shooter and show our clients that we are serious about our craft.
Do you remember the day that braces on a high school senior almost guaranteed a small order with a promise to return after they had been removed? Braces are no longer a problem thanks to the magic of digital retouching. For only $5.00 you can have those braces removed to reveal a beautiful natural smile.