Retouchup Blog

March – Week 3 – 17hats

17hats logo green and black


In last week’s interview with Kirstie Marie Jones, she highly recommended 17hats as an excellent resource for photographers, especially if you’re into saving time and not having to do the same mundane tasks again and again. In this post, we’ll highlight some of the features and benefits of using 17hats and provide links if you’d like to learn more. We are not affiliated with 17hats in any way. 


Who is 17hats for? 

17hats is designed for small businesses and those wearing “17 hats” – photographers fit into that category quite well. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list, and can’t afford to bring on an employee to assist with the load, 17hats was designed for you. 


What is 17hats? 

17hats is a tool that allows you to automate a lot of your backend processes – really automate. 17hats is NOT a marketing platform, it is NOT designed to send out email blasts, and it is NOT set up to help you run your social media. Here’s a list of some of the things 17hats CAN do for you:

  • Helps you with the onboarding process of new clients – can send automatic, but personalized replies to new client inquiries. These quick professional replies could be the difference between acquiring a new client or not.
  • Creates a very smooth process for your clients when giving them a quote, having them sign a contract, and then giving them an invoice. This can even be done all at once, and from your client’s smartphone, to help save all the back and forth time. 
  • Keeps track of any past due invoices and makes it incredibly easy to follow up with those clients by sending them a reminder email with the click of a button.
  • Schedules out your day, week, and month based on the appointments you make and then those appointments will show up when you try to add other appointments so you don’t overbook yourself. 
  • Prioritizes the most important things for you to get done. 
  • Integrates with Quickbooks, or you can use similar tools provided by 17hats. 
  • Is able to take payments from Stripe, Square, PayPal, and Both recurring and automatic payments can be set up. Discounts can be added to invoices and it will automatically calculate.
  • Compatible with both iPhone and Android users. 
  • Can keep track of the hours you spend working with clients and invoice them accordingly.  

These are some of the highlights, but keep in mind that there are many more! 


Is 17hats right for me? 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and could use help getting organized, 17hats might be a great fit for you. They have 3 different payment plans where you can choose to go month to month, pay for a year plan, or even pay for a two year plan. They even let you start with a 7-day free trial. 


How can I learn more? 

Here are some links to additional resources if you’d like to learn more about 17hats:

17hats website:

7-day free trial:

Getting Started Workshop:

Leads Experience Webinar:


Deepest discounts when purchasing:
